Monday, April 8, 2013

These ayaat are also related to the topic of hidayat and ALLAH subhana wa taala very beautifully explains that His word is the best among all literature since its directly from Him.It has the most eloquent language and    
powerful meaning,some of the subjects wherein conform while others differ like for example reward and punishment ,evil and good.Then ALLAH pak highlights the quality of believers that when they listen to this commanding manuscript,they fear their lord and that is only possible if they learn it,understand it and contemplate its meaning.but then there are promises in this Book for the believers and rewards which pacify them and they turn towards true remenbrance of ALLAH.Remembrance can be in any form of ibadat as in salat,rozah,sadqa,tasbeeh.
This hidayat is special benevolence from ALLAH subhana wa taala,and it means that He makes the sources easier to atain.A believer becomes more steadfast in ibadat,more fearful of ALLAH,honest  and mutaqqi.On the contrary if ALLAH pak becomes angry wit someone then He takes these bounties away from him and he will find no other savior.

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